.7 days to SYF 2011
Dearest band, it's only 7 days to SYF. Let's all hold on! Work for what you want and not only through words. The amount of efforts put in is the results you'll get. But more importantly, you need to enjoy making music on stage. How? Put your trust into mr Wong because he is the one who will be guiding you guys, and remember the mistakes we learnt and never do it. I trust you guys, do not be afraid, do not be nervous. Just by looking at mr Wong gives you all the assurance you need. As long as you look at mr Wong, you can't really see the audience. So, look at mr Wong :)
For tomorrow's performanc, treat it like syf. Showcase what you've learnt, same thing, look at mr Wong. You know you can do it! :) I'll see you guys tomorrow 630 am sharp in the bandroom. Jiayou band!